Goal & Objectives

The overall goal of this project is to improve the quality of life of disabled people within Kanifing Municipal Council

  • Increased and more appropriate support for disabled youths and their families
  • Increased social interaction between families with disabled youths in KMC .
  • Integration of disabled children and young adults into the wider community.
  • Education and Life-skills development.
  • To advocate on behalf of, to promote and to protect the interests and well-being of

People with disability.

  • To raise funds and receive contributions where appropriate and donate technological tools to persons with disabilities
  • To establish and, where necessary, to vary or disestablish such local associations, committees, sub-committees, joint committees and other working bodies as may be necessary for the furtherance of the Association’s objectives. Local associations or committees established in terms of this clause will be encouraged and helped to reach autonomy.
  • Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice with them
  • Promote e-inclusion, e-learning of the PwDs (People with Disability) and maximize the use of IT skills.
  • Bridging the digital divide for PwDs.
  • Facilitate access to education, training, culture and remote services.
  • Readiness for employing and creating job opportunities.
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences.
  • Eradicate extreme poverty for PwDs.
  • Implementation of many ICT Labs and Assistive Technology centers
  • Implementation ICT Academy for disabilities and providing them training course and e-services.